
Reverse Mortgage Information & Real Life Client Stories

Surprise! Reverse Mortgage Closing Costs Actually Compare to Conventional Mortgage Costs

Loved this comparison of closing costs provided by Beth. Thanks for doing all the research and comparisons, this is great information!

Beth's Reverse Mortgage Blog

Reverse Mortgage Closing Costs Compare to Conventional Mortgage It seems like every article, report or someone you talk with states the reverse mortgage  closing costs are high.  Have you looked at closing costs on a conventional home mortgage?

As with a conventional home mortgage (called a “forward” by HUD), the closing costs for reverse mortgages may vary depending on the home value and the complexity of the loan.  Let’s compare the costs side-by-side for a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage  or HECM and a conventional/forward mortgage.

The third party and recording fees are standard for any loan.  Keep in mind that there has to be a cost involved because everyone in the transaction needs to be paid for their services.  If the costs on a mortgage aren’t paid up-front then they’ll be paid over time with a higher interest.  Look at an estimated comparison based on a Minnesota home valued at $200,000:

Third Party FeesReverse FHAForwardForward…

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February 13, 2014 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

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